Understanding Individual and Family Deductibles

family deductibles

Often times acupuncturists are treating an entire family and are faced with policies that have both an individual deductible and a family deductible, as most family health insurance policies do. In these cases each time a member of the same family is treated, the visit goes towards that individuals deductible and is also credited towards the family deductible. Coverage begins for any individual as soon as he or she has met their individual deductible. Coverage begins for everyone in the family, even those who have not met their own individual deductible, as soon as the family deductible is met.

For example, let’s say there is a family of four, Dad, Mom, Child One and Child Two. They have a $1,000 family deductible and a $500 individual deductible. Dad goes to the doctor and his $500 deductible becomes satisfied. His insurance now begins to cover him but not mom or the kids. Child One then goes to the doctor and satisfies his $500 deductible. His insurance now starts to cover not only him but the entire family even though Mom and Child Two have not been to the doctor. If they were to go now, they would automatically be covered as the family deductible has been satisfied.

These type of plans with embedded deductibles are designed to help large families receive healthcare without having to pay large amounts of money.

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